Monday, May 11, 2009

Has anyone tried to use business cards to advertise their website?

I'd like to try putting business cards - with just my website on them - on cars like Toyota Prius's and Smart cars and other fuel efficient vehicles like scooters while I'm out walking the dog.

Has anyone tried to use business cards to advertise their website?
Ryan that's an excellent way to get your name out.

I have always recommended to people to get a pre-inked stamp and when they park their car to stamp some blank cards and stick them in windshields.

You'll wait a lifetime for Google or Yahoo to get your site high enough to matter. Besides the fact that if what you do is mostly local type stuff then it only makes sense to go after local people.
Reply:It's pretty easy to print up your own calling cards/business cards at home on your own printer - just buy a box of blanks at your local office supply store, print, and then perforate!

For an example of what one Toyota Prius owner hands out regarding his website dedicated to the car:
Reply:Good idea,many people forget to promote your business can meet people in your local area (groups about your business and share ideas)

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