Tuesday, November 17, 2009

How do you get credit cards for business?

how do you get credit cards if your business is new and you don't have an account at any bank. or is this possible.

How do you get credit cards for business?
you can always apply for a business credit card. I'm sure you can get one with like a credit limit of $1,000 under your company.
Reply:If you have/start a business then you have to have capital to get it started/run it. You need to open a new account at some bank and put money it it.

That can be your business account. Most banks will issue a bank "Debit" card. you can use that and build your credit. It is good cause you only spend what you have in it, unless you can get a line of credit from the bank.

I would strongly suggest that you contact your local Small Business Burrow/organization. They will teach/guide and some cases loan you money or give you a grant.

Good Luck.

You shouldn't have any trouble getting a credit card for your business. I suggest you read this article though. It's got some good info on the subject!


Hope it's helpful!
Reply:You just apply for one, and they will give you one.


Reply:American express offers a business credit card and they seem to be the easiest go get approved for.

Good luck.

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